Devon Birds...

 A trip down to Devon...

I saw a group of Turnstones on some rocks really close by some steps leading onto Sidmouth beach. I walked slowly down, until I was as close as I could get to them, without falling in the sea! I really like the waves and stray water droplets around it.

I saw a group of Turnstones on some rocks really close by some steps leading onto Sidmouth beach. I walked slowly down, until I was as close as I could get to them, without falling in the sea!
I really like the waves and stray water droplets around it.

Little Egret (Egretta garzetta) on the mud flats. I managed to get a bit closer without scaring it until I could get this head shot of it.

RSPB Bowling Green Marshes, a brilliant nature reserve which backs onto the Exe Estuary - walking to one of the hides I spotted this Little Egret on the mud flats. 

Little Egrets are not to be confused with the Great White Egret. (I've seen a few wildlife presenters get it wrong on TV!) GWE are much larger, standing at double the height as a Grey Heron and generally have a yellow beak, whereas the LE is half that size, has a black beak and is much more common.

Here are some more pics from the trip, not the best but I thought were still worth putting in...

Chiffchaff at Bowling Green Marshes. 

And a beautiful Kingfisher, also taken at Seaton Wetlands.
