Beetles, Butterflies and Birds

After having a break from my blog in July I am back! Not far from where I live, just below the Malvern Hills, is Hollybed Farm Meadows, a Worcestershire Wildlife Trust nature reserve. It was acquired by the trust in 2013 when it was used a horse grazing field - now it is a beautiful series of wildflower meadows, woodland and hedgerow. One of the recurring plants throughout the reserve is Field Scabious which this Painted Lady is clearly enjoying! The Painted Lady's presence in the UK is unpredictable; they are a migrant here and some years many will turn up and in others barely any! Perhaps as the climate and weather changes we might see more of these beautiful butterflies. Its not just butterflies that like Field Scabious, these flower beetles (the one at the back is a female Thick-legged beetle but I'm not sure about the one at the front) were probably looking for pollen to eat. As I walked along the edge of one of the meadows I noticed a Marb...