Somerset's and Gloucestershire's Wildlife

I recently went to the Avalon Marshes in Somerset which is a fantastic place for wildlife and home to many amazing species as you will see. Reedbeds carpet the marshes where people have lived and worked e ver since the Neolithic era, over 5000 years ago. Until the 1990's, vast quantities of peat were extracted and during the 1960's, over 65,000 tonnes were being taken out every year. Although peat extraction is still happening it is on a much smaller scale and much of the area is now a superb mix of habitats, such as reedbed, lakes, woodland, mires, and large wet meadows, the soil black with peat. My favourite photo of the trip was this one of a Cattle Egret, one of 8 individuals which were feeding around the cows feet in a meadow. Cattle Egrets ( Bubulcus ibis ) are native to South East Asia, north and tropical Africa and mainland Europe. The first time Cattle Egrets were reported in the UK was in December 2007, when o ver 200 birds were r...