
Showing posts from April, 2023

The Joys of 'Patch' Birding!

Hill Court Farm Nature Reserve  (aka Longdon Marsh) is  managed by  Worcestershire Wildlife Trust ( WWT) and is a mixture of wetland, grassland, woodland and hedgerow and has a variety of breeding and non-breeding birds throughout the year. As well as visiting regularly for my own birding, I do a monthly Wetland Bird Survey (WeBS) count for the BTO; a count consists of recording all the different species and how many individuals are present, t his data then gets forwarded onto the BTO and WWT. I'm hoping to do regular posts on my blog with u pdates of what I observe as the year progresses  - I'll start off with the last few weeks... By early April, most of the Lapwing which wintered on the reserve have departed, though the resident birds will remain, hopefully, to breed.  The waterfowl activity on the scrape can attract predators like this Peregrine Falcon . It wasn't successful in catching anything, possibly that   as an immature bird, it was in...