
Showing posts from April, 2024

April Arrivals

April is a really exciting month for birding as it's peak spring migration time and you never know what might turn up. The month got off to a flying start with this cracking male Ring Ouzel I found late one afternoon on North Hill, Malvern Hills, Worcestershire. It could be heading to breed in Britain or perhaps further north in Europe.  In the past, I've only really gone up to my local patch, on Marcle Ridge, Herefordshire, to do visible migration watching (vismig) - this spring however, I've been going up there regularly to see if any migrants have dropped in, having never watched the site in spring before.  This 1st-summer male Wheatear  was one of a flock of 7 Wheatear I saw up there one afternoon - the next day, the flock was nowhere to be seen; they had just stopped-off briefly for a refuel before continuing on their journey. This male has some rather distinct orangey-buff tones on the underparts and well marked facial patterning, more so than on other males. I ...