
Showing posts from December, 2024

It's been a while...

It's been a while since I last posted. It's been a very busy few months fitting in exams, work and birding, so I haven't really had time to post anything. N ext year I've got a few paid ornithological surveying jobs, as well as working on a species monitoring project I managed to get funding for. Then, come September, I hope to be starting a 1yr diploma in Nature Recovery at Black Mountains College, Wales. This will be my final blog post and I thought a round-up of perhaps the place I've written about the most would be fitting... As regular readers will know, I often post about my local patch, Much Marcle Ridge in Herefordshire, where I watch from to do visible migration (vismig). I was pretty dedicated to it this autumn, and barely went anywhere else! After August's superb deluge of migrants, September was a very odd month on the ridge, with unusually low counts of classic early Autumn migrants, particularly Meadow Pipit . This was probably due to the weather -...